Will Alkaline Water Help You Lose Weight?
What if getting the best results from your weight loss program did not involve more exercise? Did not make you give up certain foods or have you eat special (sometimes awful tasting) things, count calories or skip meals? It’s one of the easiest things you can do. You have heard about it yet if you are like most people; you haven’t taken it to heart.
t’s simple. It’s effective. Every credible and successful weight loss program suggests you do it. And because we back it up by some very credible studies and science, it will enhance any weight loss program. Are you ready? Here it is:
That’s it. No pills, powders, or meal replacement shakes. No meal logs or diet-cheating guilt. You don’t have to spend more time on the treadmill. Drinking the right amount of water and drinking it at the right times can significantly help you win the battle of the bulge.
This is not just opinion or some other weight loss gimmick. Science and research back it up. Collectively, the results and conclusions from several studies are convincing and show that drinking more water can help you lose weight in multiple ways. The studies about using water to lose weight are solid, peer-reviewed, and published in highly reputable journals.
Drink more water, eat less food. This is the first way drinking more water can help to achieve weight loss. Food types being equal, eating less reduces the number of calories you consume. A clinical study of 48 middle-aged adults published in Obesity, A Research Journal showed that after 12 weeks the control group, who consumed 500 ml of water before taking meals, lost on average 2.2 pounds more than the group who did not1. If you take the slow and reasonable approach to weight loss and add that to what you are already doing, the results of using water to lose weight can be significant.
Most, if not all, weight loss regimes suggest detoxification first to help organ and metabolic function. A clean engine is an efficient engine. Everyone agrees that drinking more water improves detox. Toxins accumulate in fatty tissues, especially the liver and kidneys. We need water to flood and ultimately flush these tissues. Interestingly, cold water enters the bloodstream quickly and forces the body to burn calories to warm the water up to body temperature. Acidity increases free oxygen, benefiting the harmful aerobic bacteria. Whether you drink your water warm or cold, more water helps detox. Good detox means better weight loss.
Alkaline ionized water takes the detox to a whole new level. Improving the health of the intestinal tract is a primary focus of most detox regimens. Intestinal pH balance affects both helpful probiotics and harmful bacteria. Beneficial probiotic bacteria are anaerobic and thrive in an environment lacking oxygen. Aerobic bacteria or harmful bacteria thrive in oxygen. A good, alkaline pH balance reduces free oxygen in your gut in favor of hydrogen, which favors the development of beneficial probiotic bacteria. Acidity increases free oxygen, benefiting the harmful aerobic bacteria. A study done at Moscow University concluded that drinking alkaline water improves intestinal health2. Healthy intestines help with weight loss.
Drink and Burn
Can drinking water cause you to burn more calories… even at rest?
Turns out a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism concluded that drinking water elevates metabolic rate through thermogenesis3. Specifically, the study found that the metabolic rate increased 30% approximately 10 minutes after consuming 500 ml of water. The effect peaks at about 40 minutes and then gradually taper off. Even though it is a temporary effect, consider that you can experience the effect three or four times a day or more. Also, consider that repeated temporary spikes in metabolic rate cause the basal metabolic rate (or BMR) which is your overall metabolic rate to adapt over time and increase. The higher the BMR, the more calories you burn. The compounded effect of using water to lose weight then becomes much greater.
Paul Crane expounds on his website a novel water/weight loss benefit – based on a study published in Obesity, A Research Journal4. In the study, researchers looked at what would happen if subjects cut out the intake of sweetened caloric beverages (SCBs). They concluded that just by replacing SCBs with water, there was a “predicted mean decrease in the total energy of 200 kcal/d over 12 months.” Crane opined that when you convert those numbers to straight calories, you get “200 calories per day, 6000 calories per month, or 73,000 per year. That’s the caloric equivalent of about 20 pounds of pure fat!" If his math is correct or even a little off, that is a great tradeoff. Not to mention all the other benefits you’d get from cutting out SCBs.
Last, with weight loss, attitude and mindset play a HUGE role.
The last thing you want when on a weight loss program is to feel down in the dumps. In fact, the opposite is true and water can help here too. A relatively well-known and often cited study5 on how mild dehydration impairs cognitive performance and mood implies that proper hydration fends off the blues. Maybe “don't worry be happy” could become “hydrate and be happy.” To keep your mood up and attitude positive, all you have to do is:

Simple. Impressive results and scientific basis. Too good to be true? We think not. There are a few caveats to all this. You must drink the amount of water appropriate for your height and weight and activity level. And you must drink water when you get hungry and before your meal. Drinking two glasses a day won’t produce these results. Drink up!
Will alkaline water help you lose weight?
It can help, but you want to be sure you're drinking the right alkaline water. The ultimate answer is UltraWater. First, UltraWater is super clean. It is independently and rigorously tested against 172 contaminants, reducing virtually all of them to 99.9%, including the toughest things like chromium VI, arsenic, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals and more. Then, it is alkaline, ionized and hydrogen-rich. A wide selection of Ultra Water Solutions products produces high quality, alkaline water.
Realize all the benefits of water in your quest to lose weight. Find the alkaline water product right for you today and drink your way to abetter, healthier weight loss program with the cleanest, healthiest water available.

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- Elizabeth A. Dennis, Ana Laura Dengo, Dana L. Comber, Kyle D. Flack, Jyoti Savla, Kevin P. Davy, and Brenda M. Davy “Water Consumption Increases Weight Loss During a Hypocaloric Diet Intervention in Middle-aged and Older Adults”, Obesity Research Journal, February 18, 2010 Vol. 18 Issue 2, p300-307.
- N.V. Vorobjeva, Department of Physiology of Microorganisms, Biology Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, “Selective stimulation of the growth of anaerobic microflora in the human intestinal tract by electrolyzed reducing water”, Medical Hypotheses, 2005, Volume 64, Issue 3, P543-546.
- Michael Boschmann, Jochen Steiniger, Uta Hille, Jens Tank, Frauke Adams, Arya M. Sharma, Susanne Klaus, Friedrich C. Luft, and Jens Jordan “Water-Induced Thermogenesis, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism”, April 26, 2011, Vol. 88 Issue 12, p6015-6019.
- Stookey JD1, Constant F, Gardner CD, Popkin BM. “Replacing sweetened caloric beverages with drinking water is associated with lower energy intake.” Obesity Research Journal, February 18, 2010 Vol. 18 Issue 2, p300-307 Vol15, Issue 12, p3013-3022.
- Armstrong LE, Ganio MS, Casa DJ, Lee EC, McDermott BP, Klau JF, Jimenez L, Le Bellego L, Chevillotte E, Lieberman HR. “Mild dehydration affects mood in healthy young women.” The Journal of Nutrition, Dec 21, 2011, Volume 142, Issue 2, p382-388.